Comments: I met Mr Gudsoorkar a few years back after struggling with my eye problems in a neighbouring hospital . I was diagnosed recurrent Uveitis and wasn’t happy with my care and requested a second opinion due to his expertise . I was very impressed with his thoroughness in assessing my problems and organising all investigations leading to diagnosis of sarcoidosis . The repeated inflammations in the past had caused significant cataracts and episodes of high pressures. He also referred me to the cardiologists and respiratory physicians and commenced me on immunosuppressant medication.This completely controlled the chest problems and eye inflammations.I was also told that the sarcoidosis had affected the heart and could have caused heart block if not detected and treated on time. I opted to have my cataract surgeries privately at the Nuffield and had the extended depth of focus lens .I am absolutely amazed with the result ! I cannot thank Mr Gudsoorkar enough for giving my vision and my life back . Thank you so much for everything .